Grammar for Dreamers screenplay

When people asked me as a child what I wanted to be when I grew up, I’d say “a famous author.”

I held onto my dream of wanting to be a writer for quite a while—it lasted at least until I was studying English and Creative Writing at university, and then for a few years after that.

And then… it just didn’t seem possible anymore.

The ideas weren’t flowing.

It didn’t help that during my early to mid-twenties the drama in my life eclipsed any drama I could conjure up for the page.

So I put the dream of becoming a creative writing down for a bit… and followed something else that kindled my imagination—linguistics.

Linguistics fascinated me so much that I thought I’d never tire of it. And so far, I haven’t. But several years ago the dream of being a creative writer popped up again into my awareness.

And I had the strange idea that I could combine the two.

So I decided to experiment with that idea. And wrote a screenplay. I called it Grammar for Dreamers. It’s not very good, but that doesn’t stop me from being proud of it. Also, it features a unicorn named Hank.

Would you like a copy of Grammar for Dreamers, the screenplay? I’d be honoured to send it your way.


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